The number of companies of VR system through 2005-2015, has grown by about 15 times. Day-to-day interest in the VR industry. It will say that is growing very rapidly. Today. let's look at the data optained from Greenlight VR's report that deals with various statistical data of the VR industry. Charts and graphs is those […]
Tag: Virtual Reality;VR Landscape;Event
VR Industry Landscape
The number of companies of VR system through 2005-2015, has grown by about 15 times. Day-to-day interest in the VR industry. It will say that is growing very rapidly. Today. let's look at the data optained from Greenlight VR's report that deals with various statistical data of the VR industry. Charts and graphs is those […]
Mark Zuckerberg: Perlahan Tapi Pasti Virtual Reality Akan Jadi Platform Besar
Facebook telah menaruh investasinya pada industri virtual reality bahkan sejak teknologi tersebut masih di dalam tahap pengembangan awal. Sang CEO, Mark Zuckerberg menggarisbawahi bahwa walaupun pengembangan teknologi virtual ini tergolong lambat, namun dirinya yakin VR sedang bersiap untuk menjadi platform besar. Di conference call pendapatan Facebook kuartal ketiga 2015, ia mengungkapkan keyakinannya tentang VR yang […]
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